The makers have shared a promo of the upcoming episode. Saif is accompanied by his co-stars Tabu, Alaya F, Kubbra Sait, Farida Jalal and Chunky Panday. The video begins with Saif scolding Kapil, “Tum shadishuda ho na? Isliye puch raha hu kyunki pichli bar meri biwi aai thi Kareena, tum kafi fel gaye they (Are you married? I am asking because last time when my wise Kareena was here, you were all over her).” Kapil replied in his usual style, “This is not the case, I behave like this with everybody’s wives.”
The promo also shows Kapil cracking jokes on Tabu’s height, saying she was born with inbuilt heels. He also plays a game with the film cast during which he asks if any of them have landed in an embarrassing situation after damaging their footwear.Tabu confessed being in such a situation.
In the promo, Kapil asks them if they have ever forwarded spam messages on Whatsapp, which claim to bring good luck for the receiver if he or she forwarded it to ten people. Saif confessed he had done it once, leaving everyone in splits.
Jawaani Jaaneman releases on Friday. It is set to mark the Bollywood debut of Alaya F, daughter of actor P